Hello everyone, and welcome to Halo Spotlight. The place where we shine a spotlight on Halo community creations. This piece is a Halo Creation Q&A, so we’ll be asking some questions regarding a specific Halo themed creation.
The Writing Spartan sat down with Wally, the solo creator behind The Warthog Build, a project that aims to bring Halo’s Iconic Warthog into the realms of real life.
This Q&A was done via Discord, so if you’d like to hear the full audio version of this Q&A, you can do so on our YouTube channel.
As always, the written version of the Q&A will be a straight to the point version, so we encourage you to check it out for the full unedited goodness. Until then, please enjoy the shortened version below.
Question: Whilst the name ‘The Warthog Build’ is quite self explanatory, could you give us a general overview of what the goals of the project are?
“Yeah. To do that let me give a little bit of background too. Like you said, it’s the Halo Warthog I’m trying to build. Some people might ask “What would make you so insane to tackle a project like that?“
I’ve been a fan of Halo since it first came out in 2001. 2007 rolled around when Halo 3 came out and my next door neighbours kid would come round every day after school and demand we play Halo 3, so we did that.
Right around that time the Weta Studios Halo short movies came out and showcased the Warthog, and it was the ODST tracking the Master Chief as he was coming out of orbit.

I kinda turned to him (the kid) and said “You know we should build one of those. Look, It’s just a truck.” and of course he said “nu-huh, you’re never gonna do that.” Well, the gauntlet was thrown and I took that as a personal attack, so that was my challenge and I quested to prove him wrong.
As for goals, I’d love to use this in fan films, and have it be at conventions to draw a crowd and whatever. I’m not so hung up that I need to pat myself on the back for how great it turns out, which it may or may not, but just to continue the Halo lore and promote the great story that they built.”

Question: What made you choose a Warthog to build, rather than a smaller vehicle, such as the mongoose?
“My history is biting off a bigger project than I can handle. Really, it was more about what reflects Halo, what would be better in a fan film, what are you gonna pick up chicks in? It’s not gonna be a Mongoose right?
That’s why I chose that particular build. A Mongoose might be easier but if people saw it, most people would say “Hey that’s an ATV” and wouldn’t get it, but everyone would recognise a Warthog.”

Question: Do you have any previous experience with building something like the Warthog?
“Well, like I said before, I always bite off more than I can chew. I always overestimate my skill set. So no, I’m not a car guy. Yeah I can change my oil and I know what parts of the vehicles do, but I didn’t have the tools, I didn’t have specific courses on it. I just have an engineering background.
I basically told myself I could do it. I’ve got a garage in my house and it’s not being used for what it should be used for, which is a car.
So everything lined up, Halo, Warthog, the challenge of my neighbours kid, and I said by golly I’m gonna do it. I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m gonna do it.”

Question: How easy has it been to bring the scale of Halo into real life?
“In general it’s been hard. I’ve been working on this thing for 7 years now when I thought it’d take me 6 months. I’m not dogging any other productions or any other Warthog projects out there, some people have done some amazing things, but they’re usually built a little bit smaller.
I try to look at it from “Hey if this was really a real military vehicle, what kind of scale would it have if it was going to do the mission it was going to do?” and how can I make it fit the existing truck I was pulling parts off, so there’s a little bit of both.
It’s a little bit bigger than I think it would realistically need to be, but it’s probably one of the bigger Warthogs out there. Maybe just a little bit smaller than the Microsoft Halo 4 Warthog that they built out of foam and fibreglass.”

Question: What sort of time frame did you set yourself for the build, and are you currently on track?
“Timeline wise no, like I said I’m behind schedule. The thing is, it’s a weekend project. I have a full time job, and who’s got time to dedicate to a project like this? It makes sense that I’m as far behind as I am, and looking back it was kind of obvious this was going to happen.
I’m on track to maybe finish in about a year. The progress has been regular and steady. When COVID started I used the time stuck at the house to really maximise making the accomplishments I did, but it’s not linear progress that’s the problem.”

Question: Are there any other projects that you’re currently involved in, or plan to do in the future?
“I love designing and building stuff. I love tinkering and learning a new craftsmanship skill or art skill or whatever.
To answer the first part, other projects I’m currently in involved in, nothing major other than the Warthog Build. I’ve had some side projects of designing a cockpit for my flight control system on laptop to play the Star Wars Squadrons game, but no other significant projects concurrently cause the Warthog project takes up so much time.”

Question: What would I tell listeners/readers who want to build something but are hesitant to start their project?
“For those of you out there that are Cosplayers and wanna start some armour, but you keep telling yourself “I don’t have the money, I don’t have the space, my partner won’t let me.” It’s time to get up off your ass and just go build it. Just go start it.
If you are thinking of a project, don’t waste your time going online telling everybody “Hey I wanna start this project” and you get all the clicks and likes and then you feel happy and never start it. Just start it.”

Question: For those wanting to find out more about The Warthog Build, where could they go to get updates on the project?
“I’ve only got two places. I’m not super social media active. The best place is on Facebook if you look up The Warthog Build. Occasionally I’ll post things in the 405th, the Halo costuming and Prop building website. The Warthog build on Facebook is probably the best spot.

A huge thank you to Wally for talking with The Writing Spartan. A reminder that this written Q&A is only a bite sized version of the full interview. We really recommend checking out the full Q&A below.
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