Hey there everyone, welcome to Halo Spotlight. The place where Halo community creations are put front and centre. In fanart features, we highlight artists and their creations.
In this fanart feature, we’re showing off some incredible artwork by Eltra. Eltra creates artwork using Garry’s Mod, and then sometimes mixes the artwork with Nvidia Experience.
When asked about their creative process, Eltra told us the following:
“For the process, for some, I add props to help fit the area more (like Scouting and Whole gang) while others I would make complete new rooms and use them to fit the scenery (Ie Barracks and Personal Ai). I then mess around with the in-game post process and Nvidia Experience and save the scene.”
We know you’re all super eager to see the artwork we’re talking so much about, so please enjoy some examples of Eltra’s work below.

Free For All (Mixed with Experience)


The Whole Gang

Receiving a new personal AI
(mixed with Experience)

A huge thank you to Eltra for sending over the pieces of artwork and some background information. If you’d like to see more from Eltra, you can do so on their Twitter Account.
Do you have a favourite piece out of the ones shown above? If so, you can let us know on our Twitter. Not had a chance to read any other features yet? Head over to the new spotlights section of the site for all the most recent Halo community content.
You can also check our Facebook Page for updates relating to the site, our Instagram account for some awesome Halo artwork, and our YouTube channel for the latest Q&As and videos.
We also have weekly pieces over on Halo United, so be sure to go and check out their awesome site too. If you missed the last one, you can find it here.
Want to see your Halo content or creation on the site? Check out the post submissions section, which outlines what you’ll need to do to get your piece in front of the spotlight. That’s all for now folks, so I’ll see you all next time.