Hey there everyone, welcome to Halo Spotlight. The place where Halo community creations are put front and center.
To celebrate our platform hitting 1000 followers, we’re featuring a large range of creators from the community. From artists to video creators, we’re featuring tons of Halo themed creations.
This is the 1st piece in the series of features to celebrate us hitting 1000 followers. A huge thank you to everyone that submitted a creation for this piece. Please enjoy all the wonderful Halo Infinite creations below.
In this together by AphonicWanderer

Spartan minecraft skin by Michael Kenton

Hangar Emergency by Callado300

Halo Reach Artwork by entransing

Halo Infinite screenshot by Elite Reclaims

Spartans study Ninjutsu by Halo Tutor

“That Lone-Wolf stuff stays behind” by Keeen

Spartan jackson by RealOscarMike

Spartan – Olympia Vale by FILE

A huge thank you to everyone that took part in this special piece, and for all the continued support in our platform and the Halo community. This is the first piece in the Halo Spotlight 1000 follower special series. Submissions are always open for future pieces.
Do you have a favourite piece out of the ones shown above? If so, you can let us know on our Twitter. Not had a chance to read any other features yet? Head over to the new spotlights section of the site for all the most recent Halo community content.
You can also check our Facebook Page for updates relating to the site, our Instagram account for some awesome Halo artwork, and our YouTube channel for the latest Q&As and videos.
Want to see your Halo content or creation on the site? Check out the post submissions section, which outlines what you’ll need to do to get your piece in front of the spotlight. That’s all for now folks, so I’ll see you all next time.