Hey there everyone, welcome to Halo Spotlight. The place where Halo community creations are put front and centre. In fanart features, we highlight artists and their creations.
In this piece, we’ve got some artwork to show off. This artwork is known as SFM art, which stands for Source Filmmaker, the program used to create such artwork.
New Age Goku has shown a high level of skill and patience when it comes to creating this type of artwork, so we’re happy to feature their work.
The 4 pieces below all give a different feeling. Some being action orientated, and some being calm. Please enjoy New Age Goku’s work below.
Feet First
Purple Haze
A huge thank you to New Age Goku for sending across those awesome images. If you want to see more from New Age Goku, you can do so on their Instagram account or Twitter account.
You can let us know what you thought about the piece on our Twitter. Not had a chance to read any other features yet? Head over to the new spotlights section of the site for all the most recent Halo community content.
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Want to see your Halo content or creation on the site? Check out the post submissions section, which outlines what you’ll need to do to get your piece in front of the spotlight. That’s all for now folks, so I’ll see you all next time.